Gingerman Rescue

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
101 Players
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Gingerman control mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Double jump mouse-all mouse-all
Shoot mouse-all

Gingerbread Man Gingerman woke up from a disturbing dream. His favorite chewy pads were gone! The house was silent, with only the sweet whispering of the Kingdom of Sweets far outside the window. Gingerman knew it was the work of a villain determined to possess his treasures.

Dressed in his colorful ginger outfit, Gingerman stepped outside where a dangerous journey awaited him. Sweet candy, quail cakes, and candy strangers are in his path, but he is ready for them. In Gingerman's hand is a striped lollipop he found at the foot of Chocolate Mountain. With this powerful weapon, the Gingerbread Man can strike his sweet opponents, clearing a path to his treasure. Exciting adventures and dangerous challenges lie ahead. But Gingerman is determined - he won't stop until he gets his favorite chewy pads back home. Collect vital hearts to keep your strength up, and don't forget wisdom - only the brave and resourceful will make it to the end of this sweet journey!

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