Subway Surfers Saint Petersburg

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
1.64K Players
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Control Surfer mouse-all or mouse-all mouse-all mouse-all
Take a skate mouse-all
Pause/ Menu mouse-all

On the eve of Christmas Jake went to St. Petersburg, because they say that on New Year's Eve this city is especially beautiful. And here nothing has changed significantly and the guy is waiting for the traditional escape from the evil policeman along the snow-covered rails of the most beautiful streets, which are being prepared for the holiday.

In the new version of the game there are winter scenery, as well as several new characters. Now players can play not only for Jack, but also choose Nikolai for 95,000 coins or buy a fast sled for 50,000 coins. But the main goal remains the same - to avoid the chase. The action still takes place on the railroad tracks. Pay attention to amplifiers in the form of boots, satchels or springs - they will help you get an advantage and additional coins.

Comments (6)
  • 30.12.2024
  • 20.12.2024
    i like to play the subway surfer
  • 06.12.2024
    Its fun