Angry Gran Run: India

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
371 Players
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Gran's sideways movement mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Tackle mouse-all
Turn to another street mouse-all mouse-all
Pause mouse-all

Grandmother, once again finds herself in a difficult situation, this time in India, and has already managed to get to the hospital. But she does not think to sit still. Grandma decides to escape from the hospital and goes on the run. But she faces new obstacles: elephants, porcelain Buddha statuettes, and even a giant-sized dinosaur. 

But every difficult situation is an opportunity, and in this game Grandma has to overcome the obstacles on the track, while collecting coins and letters. With each meter the speed of her movement will increase, and the obstacles will become more and more difficult. The player's reaction time will be an important factor: only the right actions, such as jumping or sliding, will help Grandma avoid collisions and not slow down.

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