Angry Gran Run: Japan

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
328 Players
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Gran's sideways movement mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Tackle mouse-all
Turn to another street mouse-all mouse-all
Pause mouse-all or mouse-all

This time Angry Granny escaped from a psychiatric hospital in Japan and made a real escape from the orderlies. Now nothing can stop her - she rushes forward without thinking, and even manages to do her favorite thing - beating those who get in her way. But, as always, the path is strewn with obstacles, and only you can help Angry Granny to overcome the difficulties that threaten her to become a prisoner of a mental hospital again.

This time you will face numerous obstacles, from streetlights to huge rolls. But don't despair - every obstacle can be jumped over or simply bypassed. In this game you will have to change streets often to avoid hitting dead ends and keep running forward. And, of course, pick up coins and candies with letters - they will help you get additional bonuses and improvements.

Comments (2)
  • 19.11.2024
    its ok
  • 08.10.2024
    its fine I gus