Ragdoll Gangs

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
283 Players
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Player 1
Control the fighter mouse-all
Kick mouse-all
Punch mouse-all
Pick up an item mouse-all
Run mouse-all
Pause mouse-all
Sideview mouse-all
Player 2
Control the fighter mouse-all
Kick mouse-all
Punch mouse-all
Pick up an item mouse-all

This game, perfect for competing with a friend in your vicinity to see who is stronger and more agile. Plus, you can battle a computer opponent that presents a serious challenge to your skills. Six exciting battle levels that will make you strive to win street fights.

Quickly pick up question mark boxes falling from the sky - they may contain weapons or other self-defense items such as bats, axes, and more. Survive the battle to the last, don't give up and keep an eye on your health displayed at the top of the screen. If your opponent turns out to be stronger, look for more powerful weapons in the boxes.

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