Funny Dentist Surgery

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PC only game
707 Players
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Dental treatment for Leah mouse-all

Leah loves sweets, but her weakness for candy has cost her some serious dental problems. With a toothache lurking for a long time, she finally decided to go to the dentist. Now you are her doctor, and you have the responsible task of giving the girl back a healthy smile and showing her that dentistry may not be so scary.

While Leia sits hopefully in the chair, your task is to examine her teeth and start treatment. Brush each tooth of sweet plaque, perform the procedures necessary to get rid of the pain, and reassure the girl that every step is done for her health and comfort.When the treatment is complete and the pain has subsided, it's time to give Leia her smile back. Let her choose a new look, decorate it with fun accessories, and for a special charm, offer to put dental stickers on her teeth - that way she will not only see the results of her treatment, but will have a reason to smile even wider.

Comments (1)
  • 31.08.2024
    best EVER