Angry Gran Run: Christmas Village

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
264 Players
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Grandma moves sideways mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Slide mouse-all
Turn into another street mouse-all mouse-all
Pause/ Menu mouse-all or mouse-all

It's time to help the Old Lady, who has escaped from the asylum, spoil the holiday mood of the villagers with her antics. Move Granny boldly and deftly to keep her alive as long as possible in this extreme marathon filled with dangerous traps, and at the same time not to get back into the walls of the asylum.

To avoid crates on the street, collect coins or beat up passersby, move Granny sideways. React quickly to upcoming obstacles by jumping over them or slipping from below. And be careful: if Granny crashes into an obstacle, she will be grabbed by the paramedics. If there is a dead end ahead, you must quickly turn to another street to avoid the same fate waiting for your grandmother.

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